Who is good at social media / email / events?

I enjoy Derek Doepker of BestSellerSecrets.com. His emails are personal, personable, and I always read some or all of them. I have taken a couple of his classes/challenges and they have useful info, are well organized, and to the point. Lastly, he provides great support and always answers my emails to him.
Julie Tyler and Alessandra Torre also have great writer support.


May not be what you are looking for. They are probably little known in the states. They are making their mark here in Aus. tho’.



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Somewhere I read that Gail Carriger’s newsletter, Miss Carriger’s Chirrup, was one to emulate, so I signed up. They’re good…


Nick Stephenson
Mark Dawson
Joanna Penn


I highly recommend Jenn Hanson-dePaula at Mixtus Media. She teaches authors how to engage with readers via social media, growing their audience, even as early as before they have a book finished to market: How Authors Can Grow An Engaged Audience on Instagram

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Neal Shafer, Chris Fox.

I enjoy Harry’s newsletters, from Jericho Writers. (He doesn’t sign off with his last name.) They’re informative and written with a distinctive dry humour. I always read the PPS’s, even if I skim over the body of the email. Sandra Beckwith is businesslike, and often includes interesting links related to marketing. Substack has contributors who have found a niche and fill it well with free content (James Cary, Dearest).
It seems to me the most active social media and newsletter-writing authors are either in coaching or genre fiction (romance, crime, thrillers). I’m wondering if there are authors up the more literary end of the spectrum communicating through newsletters?

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Allessandar Torre has valuable thoughts on using Goodreads.


I’ll plus-one some of the suggestions above:
Derek Murphy
Dave Gaughran
Derek Doepker
Joanna Penn
Nick Stephenson

and add a few:

Steven Pressfield
Alexa Bigwarfe
Sue Campbell/Anne Hawlt/Rachelle Ramirez - Pages and Platforms/storypath.me
David Wogahn
Kistina Stanley - Fictionary
ProWritingAid team
Rob Eager

Alexa Donne is great with YouTube and social media.

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Derick Doepikar and
James Clear https://sparklp.co/e3258ea4

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HR d’Costa has an excellent website, blog, podcast, and weekly newsletter. She regularly holds online events that are very well-attended:

Louis at The Novel Smithy also has excellent books, articles, blog posts, and website:

Brandon Sanderson’s YouTube lectures are the bomb:

K.M. Weiland has amazing emails and blog posts (and books):


Agree with your selection.

It’s Lewis (Jorstad) at Novel Smithy - just pinned another article of his on my Pinterest board, I might as well just pin his whole site, along with KM Weiland.

Never been a fan of Sanderson’s writing but been binge-watching his lectures which I discovered only a couple of weeks ago.

Not even Brandon’s “Skyward” and “Alcatraz” series? I haven’t read any of his epic fantasy so I can’t comment on those, but those above series (and The Reckoners) are pretty good.

Agree about Lewis and KM!

What’s your Pinterest board link? Here’s mine: https://www.pinterest.com/kiirsi/writing/

Sanderson’s epic fantasy is fine, just not compelling enough I want to complete any. Maybe I’ll try those two series.

My imprint Pinterest boards are here:

I’m planning to start a new board as part of the personal brand soon.

A few words from her twitter grace Duchess Goldblatt?

A middle grade author I follow on YouTube recently talked about her participation in this upcoming summit! Excited. :slight_smile:

Sorry, not a suggestion but wanted to share that.


Hooray! It’s going to be a great event.

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Erica Ridley’s newsletters are fabulous. They aren’t so frequent to be irritating, and they are always a nice break from whatever is going on in your life. She gives a glimpse into her personal life, then her writing life, and she actively promotes other authors’ works as well. There is often a freebie - be it a novel, a novella or a short story.

When it comes to writing companies or writing related brands, most of them are always pushing some product or service.

Alessandra Torre seems good value, and her facebook group is active. She runs Inkers Con (it must be happening soon), but she does seem focused on helping authors achieve visibility. Derek Murphy’s another who gives far more than he probably should. Then there’s the Alliance of Independent Authors - that’s a membership organisation for Indies, but it’s got a good rep with several authors I know. And Reedsy’s worth a mention too.

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Hey Daniel,

I enjoyed your talk with Michelle Schusterman about YouTube growth. I’d love to talk to you about accelerating YT growth with a “Discover Ad” strategy. This ad format harnesses the power of keyword bidding, and I’ve used it with success for clients. I’m an advertiser by trade and manage up to $35K/day in ad spend.

Of course, I’m aspiring to move away from my day job and write full time, but I’d gladly put a presentation together for other authors on this quirky strategy, which is still pretty untapped :slight_smile:
