Small town writers

Hi Suri–for a different perspective–I live in Las Vegas NV (no small town) but with the pandemic and the fairly recent demise (Las Vegas Romance Writers) of my local writing group, town size or location is not necessarily a determinant of resources. In the pandemic, I’ve found online groups to be a new favorite way for me to connect with other writers. I love Daniel’s summits and classes. In my opinion they bring a tremendous amount of value to my writing life. If you are on Facebook a nice group to check out is Writers Helping Writers. Best wishes in your writing journey!


Hi Suri!

I live in a tiny village near the Snowy Mountains in Australia and around 10kilometers north of the Victorian border. There are no writers’ groups here, and when I need to do historical research, it is usually online. But if my research involves the House of Lords sessions in the first decade of the 1800s, I take off for Canberra because our Australian National Library has the complete set of House of Lords Journals (sitting records) from the early 1700s through to the late 1800s in their basement archives and I get to spend my days down there researching to my heart’s content. For all other writing resources, I have used the internet to find and purchase writing craft books and now have a very extensive resource library!


Semi-rural market town in Devon, SW England (now with no market), within sight of Dartmoor.

Everywhere down here feels like a small village. Even the towns. I coach in the rural schools hereabouts for a sports charity, exciting driving down single-track lanes with tractors coming at you and no turning or passing places.

Oddly enough I don’t miss the big cities I used to live in.

Love Daniel’s Happy Hours during the summits when we’re all part of a global village. Unfortunately our crummy copper Internet connection serves video conferencing badly; 12MB down, about 140KB up! Come the Autumn, we’re going 4G - should be in time for the next event.


Hi Suri,
I can relate though not in as remote a location as yours. So are you looking to increase your online Connections and resources, or something else?

I like the idea of a regular word count sprints group as mentioned above. Miss them from my NaNoWriMo days.

Even happy to volunteer as an unofficial DDW clock watcher if anyone is interested in that kind of activity.


Wow, you have been very determined to find a community! Im glad you found one that fits!

Hi! I am looking for resources, critique partners and encouragement!


I’ve always wondered how people cope with those one lane roads!

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Our library opened back up too, very exciting! However, with all the mask wearing, arrows on the floor and people terrified to get too close, it sure isn’t the library experience we were used to!


“I find my motivation to write skyrockets up into the stratosphere when in the presence of other writers who are actually writing.”

This is pure gold.
Thank you for sharing your journey.

After your experience what do you think would make for a great book club?

Hi! I’m sorry I only just saw this! We live in Timmins.

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I’ve not been there but I do know the Canadian shield country - grew up with all my summers north of Kenora on the Winnipeg River. I’m missing it with no travel these past two summers!

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This sounds very interesting. Let me check into how we could make something like this happen and check back with you.

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Hello Tannis. Side note here, I’m enjoying the late summer unplug and curl up with a good paperback. my summer read is staring your Madeleine Brooks Mysteries, series (I learned about them through your review of The Character First approach please let us know when you have book signings, I would love to bring my whole stack for your autograph) Very pleasurable reads. Good job!

I would like to ask for any suggestions that can help @suri

Anyone here may post their writing for respectful critique, we would love to see what you have to share.

Feel free to make posts asking for/sharing your own resources and encouragement.

There is a wealth of resources in each other. I am happy to track down what is not readily on hand, so don’t be shy, put it out there.

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Hi DeAnna,
Wouldn’t I love to have a book signing! However, the reality is that the Madeleine Brooks Mystery series is ebook only and, currently, I am in lockdown in northern New Zealand (because our little country is in the midst of our first Delta outbreak). Fingers crossed the measures taken will do the trick.

But having no social stuff other than online, lockdown is great for being head-down doing writing things (I have a list of 7 ongoing tasks that I cycle through such as writing my latest, planning the next, marketing the list, reworking another which has just had an editorial assessment etc.). Plus 2 walks a day, rain or shine! It’s lovely being on an empty beach…

I do hope you enjoy the books! They are great fun to write.

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@tannislaidlaw Don’t laugh, I have them in my kindle, but have been known to print entire books out. My husband laughs at me til he sees a receipt for $180 in printer ink. I miss the paper I can carry with me :joy:

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Love it, DeAnna! (Ahem, I have been known to do the same thing…)

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Hello Sara. I’m Matt, but you may also call me Maddie. I live in a very small rural town in Florida. Not much interaction with other writers, so I’m always glad to connect with others online. Glad to connect with you. Best of luck with your writing adventures :slight_smile:



It is lovely to see you. What rural area are you in?


Great to see you. Do you feel that “it has shriveled down to only two of us” was somehow serendipitous?

I have found that large groups have lots of great energy, however, the more petite the group the more connection is easily made.

Opportunities to zero in on what another is saying or presenting is easier or not so much?

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