What's keeping you busy today?

I feel like you won a prize here….

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How’s the sandboxing going?

My prize is an upgrade from a glass of wine to a gin gimlet during off-camera evening office hours. :grinning:


Pretty well. I’ve gotten in a couple thousand words with my MC, and about 500 with my main secondary character. Getting names, backstory, etc. nailed down so I don’t get bogged down with it during outlining and drafting.

Thanks for asking. :blush:


I’m supervising the carpet layer, helping dig out the new ‘beanery’ (ie a new place for my Scarlet Runners so they can climb up a chicken wire wall), pausing a load of useless Amazon ads (oh boy, that took courage), getting some Vit D and thus avoiding any writing at all. But the supervising was dated today and the outside jobs can be slotted in around that. First time in ages I didn’t spend the usual 6 or so hours at the computer…


I’ve been working on a chiasmus between the opening scenes (thanks to yesterday’s webinar) and the closing scenes. I intend to do mirror scenes throughout. It will ensure all the threads are tied up.


I’m doing the 2nd polish of all my recent changes, and sending daily updates to my editor with fingers crossed he can “Compare documents” to include my tweaks ahead of where he’s up to. :sweat_smile:
I have high hopes of finishing doing the last 99 pages tomorrow.
(And I confess, I’m really enjoying reading it, despite it being the 7th time in a month!)


I completed some chores outdoors. Great weather today. Also creating a premise for my latest project.


Well, I was going to wait until November to start it, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I wrote the first two chapters of my next novel today. Maybe I’ll get to roughly outline the next couple this afternoon too. :smiley:


That’s fantastic! Great work to start now!


Up until I jumped on this community site and started exploring it, I have spent most of the day working on assembling a launch team. Not enough writing today. Tomorrow is a writing day. And sorry all, it’s been fun but I’ve got to jump out of this rabbit hole and wrap up a couple of things.