This morning I came across a great dark humor moment from dark fiction author Dea (D.H.) Poirier.
Her post:
And although I laughed, because well, dark humor can be very funny and stress relieving!
(My mentally unstable postal delivery person has met her just desserts in at least one humourous moment of fictitious creation and it is quite cathartic.)
That’s all we have sometimes is to imagine it different and laugh it off!
(Especially for a gentle, live and let live, peace, love, and go your own way kind of human that I am. )
It’s a relief valve!
It is a tiny piece of power over our take on things, in a world where we are often powerless against the unkind strangeness of other people.
Today, let’s exercise that mind muscle.
Let your mind go some place dark, mysterious and FUNNY, while using these sensory infused prompts.
The chuffing sound of the shovel as it slid into the earth was rhythmic and calming metronome until…
The cool air flowing through the open door was a welcome relief as the heavy shoes…
The conversation had be going so smoothly it could have been set to sweet violin music, now spoiled…
The weight of each key on the ring registered a tinkling chime, angry and spastic…
The gentle song of the water flowing belied the rise in it’s depth…
Change these prompts up anyway you like!
Add just a few lines even!
Please do share here your dark humor moments, that we may all chuckle along with you!
Don’t forget to check out @deapoitierbooks
For dark fiction, murder, mystery and suspense!
P.S. For those looking for established authors to review your writing…Dea has some limited availability on her About Me page. (Overkill on the links? Diabolical laughter ensues)