Okay. Should I tell you about my plot event today?

I think… I’m ready to tell you about my plotting and storytelling summit (Oct 22nd - 25th).

There is more to do on the site, but people are already signing up, and so I think it’s time to declare the event published. It’s looking really great.

And I have something cool to share, in private, for this group… I would like to offer you all a cool way to help out… and get the event moving…

However… are you all busy with Brian’s marketing summit? Should I wait until his big event ends?


Hi, Daniel

My week hasn’t been going so great but I decided that was no reason not to at least give a cheer for your summit starting to come together. It is a fairly significant undertaking to tackle a project like that and I’m excited for you that it is starting to gel into something concrete.

I think you should share whenever you’re ready. I certainly wouldn’t base it off of any given day or week in my life and others may be in similar situations. As long as you don’t need immediate action and you keep the post thread active, you’ll probably get some sort of effort from the group. Start the ball rolling so it has more time to build momentum if that is appropriate to the task.

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I’m sorry to hear about your week. Any encouragement we can give you?

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I’ll be fine but thanks. I only mentioned it more for why my energy could only amount to a cheer instead of a fanfare for your project’s progress and because you were asking about our status this week for the task you mentioned. :slight_smile:

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Great suspense…!! You’ve got my attention :slight_smile:


I’m looking forward to the summit. This week is busy with so many things, but I want to plan for the summit as well, and also want to do what I can to, as you say, help get the event moving. So yes!

Here’s an FYI for anyone interested in editing. I learned about a great site through a Reedsy lecture:

I think Reedsy offers a free class given by the founder, Kristina Stanley. One product, StoryCoach, is aimed at professional editors and the other, StoryTeller, is for writers. I’m revising (it’s turning into a complete re-do) a novel and StoryTeller is helping. I like interacting with the prompts/guidance.

You’ve got my attention David. I’m game for whatever you’ve got. :+1:

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Okay! I started a new thread here: Would you be one of the "Founding 100"?