NaNo WriMo Group?

Hey Everyone,

I have absolutely loved the community these passed days from the Plot Summit and would love to continue this vibe into NaNo WriMo.

I’ve never had a community before when trying out NaNo WriMo (and have never been able to “win” it), but would like to see if there is anyone here up for such a thing. It would be great to discuss all the things we’ve learned from the summit and how we’re implementing them!

Let me know if you’ve got any ideas about this!




I’m definitely up for this! :grinning: The summit has me energized and I want to keep that momentum going through NaNoWriMo. Count me in!



This will be my first year attempting NaNo so I’d be up for this ^^ I am a bit on the shy side mind you :sweat_smile:


Don’t worry, me too, I’m also a bit shy :sweat_smile:


I was about to suggest a NaNoWriMo community when I saw this thread. You beat me to it!
I’m absolutely up for this. It’ll be my first NaNoWriMo, and I expect I’ll benefit from the encouragement a friendliness of a group.
How do we go about it?


To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. I guess that also depends on what people are comfortable with and how many people want to join us?


Well, you can count me in.

I’d love to participate in a NaNo group. I did NaNo last year, but it felt very isolated, since the only people I had to share it with were my FB page followers–a whopping one of whom is a fellow writer.


I tried to make a group on the NaNo WriMo page, but maybe this is not the best. Let me know your opinion. Some of you I couldn’t find your usernames for some reason.

The group has a maximum of 20 members so if there are more interested people then we should do it some other platform like here or on discord or something.


This is great. I’ll join. :grin:

Dang, I can’t get it to load.

Add me, if you can?



I’m also having trouble with endless loading.
I would love an add and my handle is Neffis

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Count me in! My handle is Ron C. Nieto, because I can’t seem to be able to load up the group page :wink:
I look forward to giving this a shot with all of you!

I also couldn’t get the group to load, but would love to join. Same UN: dtill359.

I’m in! I’d love an “Escape the NaNo Forest” group!!! Such fun because this is a great community! I have participated in NaNo off and on since 2005 and have won 8 times. I have a LOT of helpful hints and a word tracking tool that let’s you know when you’ll be finished depending on the word count you’ve set.

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I would love to join! My NaNoWriMo user name is KAtlass and feel free to add me as a NaNo Buddy.

If the group ran out of space, I did make a discord server.

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@kellygunteratlas @dtill359 @Kayla @Ron @francesp Sorry there’s been such a delay in sending invites. I’ve sent them now, and hopefully they work smoothly. Looking forward to seeing you all in the group.

Just a heads up, there’s only one space left in the group now.


I made it so anyone can add anyone so I think you’ve been added, just has you under awaiting response now!

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Thanks! It’s also nice to have some instant messaging going.

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