Facts to Inform Your Science Fictionq

Lately we’ve had some really awesome shares within the group from some of our sci-fi writers.

I get swept right up and buy into the story lines, and it got me to wondering, “How do the writers do that? To weave a web so complete that it all feels real.”

So I began looking into what makes sci-fi really shine with the sensations of reading fact.

During my quest I found this article in writers digest, full of great tips. This could easily translate to other fiction genres as well.

Do you write sci-fi, or another fiction genre?

Was this article helpful for you?

How do you use facts in your sci-fi fiction?


Very practical approach.

My fantasy isn’t very ‘fantastical’ and magic is both rare and limited. I’m always thinking about how far and how fast characters can travel over different terrain and how realistic combat skills have to be before they tip over into DC/Marvel nonsense. Fortunately I teach medieval and Renaissance combat systems.

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I love your stories! I am always looking forward to the next share, your unique style shines through brightly and I immediately get the feeling that “I know these people” when ever I read your work. Brilliant.