Comments and questions about Joseph Nasisse's talk on structure and reader experience

What did you learn? What did you like?

This session was amazing! Thankfully, I was able to catch this one live. I loved the way he explained the 7 steps and Game Changers. Breaking it down this way makes so much sense to me, and it helps clarify some of the things I’ve been struggling to figure out with my own outline.


@kellygunteratlas I highly recommend you watch the 2-hour webinar he links in the cheatsheet download. For some reason I have to click it directly from the PDF to get it to work rather than copy paste the link. I think it is the one I saw two years ago or might be similar enough. He inspired me to believe I could actually be successful as an author the first time I heard him. He was, at the very least, pivotal in how I have approached studying story structure from all sources and have been working on fleshing out my own detailed breakdown.

For me, having a solid framework to build a story upon actually makes me feel free to be more creative because I feel I will have to worry less about whether what I create belongs to the story I’m working on or perhaps another instead.


Kelly, I seem to remember you said you haven’t been a big outliner, like me, so if you haven’t watched Beth Barany yet, that was also amazing. I’ve only watched two so far and they have both been fantastic. My head is reeling with all the info. So much energy and inspiration​:star_struck::heart_eyes:


I like the idea of four sections of story. This idea was so concisely put, and made a lot of sense to me. So much practical info here to get me thinking about where my story is going and how to tackle an outline for direction and cohesion.


I got to watch part of Beth’s session but I’m planning on watching the replay early in the morning. What I did see was illuminating, though. I can’t wait until I can sit down and really pay attention to her lessons.