An Unscheduled Break

My apologies everyone. I am ill and down for the count.

No fever but it is the only aspect missing from my misery.

I’ll be back next week.

Y’all stay safe and well out there, if not, write about it.



Rest up and feel better.


Had to take last week out myself. Hope you feel better soon. :slight_smile:

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Feel better very soon, dear DeAnna!

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Take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon.

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Hope you feel better soon!

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We all get these unscheduled breaks. I’ve spent a week running holiday sports activities for 130+ kids, now I’m completing the logbook from hell for a coaching qualification. Still working and running elderly relatives to hospitals.

I’ve written nothing for nearly three weeks. It’s maddening.

And breathe…


Thank you so much everyone :heart:

I am feeling better, after an extended hiatus of going through tissue boxes like Liz Taylor went through husbands.

I’ve missed the group deeply.

My heart goes out to all of you battling (life’s nemesis, challenges and difficulties) to getting writing time you so richly deserve.

Stay strong and know were always here for one another for that healthy dose of writing camaraderie and support…always.

It is great to be back!

(((Virtual Hugzzz)))

(I’m American, we hug)