I live in Adelaide, South Australia. I’m married with three adult children, and two grand children. Number three on the way.
I love escaping into stories that intrigue, excite, and take me on a journey. I write in speculative fiction, and middle grade action adventure. I am not published.
I have many interests but not enough hours in a day. Outdoor fitness is important to me with a highlight being trekking le Tour de Mont Blanc 2019 and the New York Marathon 2018. I live near the ocean and enjoy my walks along the esplanade.
I love music and play the piano in a very ordinary fashion. Also, I am learning French. I tend to take on too many commitments.
My family and friends are very important to me and I love sharing time with them. In South Australia we are very spoilt with our amazing wine and our diverse cuisines.
I resigned from nursing to write books. I am excited to be here.