Plot Summit October 21 -- idea thread

Next session idea: how to add length to a novel without it becoming ‘filler’ or ‘padding’.

You can often tell when scenes and characters have been added as padding. Especially flashbacks. And sub-plots that don’t contribute to the main plot. Or characters who turn up to deliver further exposition and disappear.

There’s usually a reason why those Deleted Scenes get deleted or the editor’s red pen strikes through whole pages with a side note that just says “pace!”


Laughed til I cried. Thank you, @rtcatling and @DeAnna

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Yes, @kellygunteratlas. I can see how that would help flesh them out more.

And btw, no need to apologise for “taking a while to get back to me” as you put it. I think we all visit in sporadic moments, either with time on our hands or to take a break from what else we’re doing. Apparently it’s been 3 days since you wrote, so now it would be my turn to apologise. :smiley:


Great idea! I asked.

$5,000 speaking fee, sadly.


The summit has a fantastic speaker line up. But I’m still struggling to find a writer who can teach us about plotting a long series. Robin Hobb and Kate Elliot both declined.

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Perhaps author Tim Tigner (Kyle Achilles series) would be willing to join in? He does read and answer all of his own emails.

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Re: plotting long series, Christine Feehan, Nalini Singh? Nalini I’ve met and she’s lovely.


Nalini Singh would be wonderful. Do you happen to have contact info? (Her website directs people like me to her publicist, which I will try, but will probably get a no.)

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Sadly, no. She’s part of RWNZ, which is where I’ve met her at conference. But I didn’t exchange contact details with her (only kumara chips = french fries made from sweet potato). I’m wondering though whether contacting her via RWNZ might be an option, though her publicist is probably a better route. Sorry I can’t help, but she is very approachable (no airs and graces at all, totally down to earth) so you may find you have better success than you think you’ll have.

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Cool! What is

– Romance Writers of New Zealand?

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Yes. Sorry for the acronym. Romance Writers of New Zealand, found at:

It happens to be the strongest writing organisation in New Zealand, so attracts writers from a variety of genres, not just romance.

Requested! Let’s see what happens.

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Just signed up and received the summit schedule. Daniel’s got so many of our suggested speakers it looks like a really good line up.

I’ve just got to manage 4 part-time jobs and a transatlantic time difference to get to all of them…


Oooh - I’m excited to hear whether she accepts your invitation. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

There was a really good course about breaking down The Help. I’m trying to find it but someone I read or learn from did a reverse engineering that helped me so much I had to write her a letter. Talk about weaving the plot.