Dear Friends, an Update from DeAnna and a Prompt!

My super hero. She made her billions in weight loss programs but her products don’t help all ethnicities. In her research she discovers a key in certain lipids which unlock super powers, however when she becomes a superhero it totally changes her appearance. She has to face the reality of predjudice that she never actually believed was real, and it gets personal. What would you do with super powers to avenge that kind of wrong? And to become super-powered she has to have the extra pounds. It’s a catch-twenty two.

Sorry if the lack of backstory offended anyone.

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I am sorry to hear you too have felt this symptom. It is terrifying!

What I can tell you is this.

Definitely when one is in pain, allergic reaction, visible injury or anything is wrong in the human condition it is natural for somerone’s blood pressure to go up and down a bit.

However, it is against logic that it simply go up in large degrees with no potential cause, defying rhyme and reason. Also not exactly adhering to the science of blood pressure controls like medications to bring it down or keep in check. It is willy nilly like.

Pheo/Para is considered rare because of the number of living diagnoses, BUT apparently not so rare when one undergoes an autopsy.

I found much written about folks that were diagnosed with many typical issues of aging and when they passed (most often untimely) their autopsies revealed what is called “unsuspected” Pheo or Para growth in/on adrenal glands.

So cause of death may state, due to cardiac arrest, but will also state, aggravated by unsuspected Paraganglioma/Pheochromocytoma. Indicating that lead to cause of death, but simply was not known in their life time.

I did not like the numbers I saw there.

I also saw where Para/Pheo can cause some 100 different symptoms. Yes, :100:!!! It is ripe for misdiagnosis, and so often is according to aforementioned numbers and medical opinions.

I encourage you, if for any reason you are experiencing the blood pressure symptoms (as they are the dead Give away to the problem) ask for those very specific blood and urine tests, plus imaging. It is such a small effort to get back information that you can work with, if not put that concern to rest. It is curable, but left untreated it is fatal. It’s just a question of where and when.

Be your own advocate, make you medical worries your doctors worries by haunting them until you get an answer. Go in with a request for exactly what you want from them. Most providers seem to like a simple referral for your request. Just knowing what to ask for is the biggest part of the puzzle.

My thoughts and best wishes are with you.

I love this!

This is classic! I love it! For anyone with back they know the struggle is real, buses, theaters, trains :rofl:. You made this moment very real!

What great stuff! My mind is racing about all the directions this could go? Please keep writing, I can’t wait to see where you take this. Brillant concept.

ROBIN!!! DROP THE MIC!!! Now That’s what I’m talking about. You hit that prompt right out of the Park, to thunderous applause I might add.

Ok, I am gushing now, but I am a huge fan of what you have created here.

In the first bit, my nose was actually itching with the descriptions. (I realized when I was squishing at the tip of it to stop the tingling sensation.)

From the patients perspective, I was right there thinking, I recognize those details, those gowns suck and what is with those medical personnel shoes, annoying right!?!
Then all the hints to something more. Something different. Something so wrong, it has become right.

Absolutely delicious to read in anticipation of the reveal. The prestige even.

Brilliant! Bravo, BRAVO!


Too kind. I don’t ‘do’ medical and I don’t do horror. I mostly don’t do description, either. So the prompt came as a throwaway challenge, 1 draft, 1 edit, posted it. Thank you. :blush: