Are you writing these days?

Otter is great! I use it mostly when I’m brainstorming with someone and I want to catch all the ideas. The transcription is fantastic. I use dictation when I’ve rattled off some handwritten ideas, or a scene, and I don’t want to rekeyboard it. The new version of MS Word has an excellent dictation feature.
But I certainly don’t think fast enough to dictate a story or a scene, but I’m envious of those who can.


Writing is like breathing to me, so yes, I write everyday. But I am not writing as much as usual. With a book launch about a month away, I am spending entirely too much time on pre-launch marketing and promotion. I really miss the writing. But you gotta do what you gotta do.


@JohnHornbeck Congrats on your book launch! What genre is it?


I’m in the middle of the breathing room before launching into revising my novel. I took a week off, which was handy because of the election, and plan to start up on Monday.

In the mean time I’m working on an outline for another book. It’s been interesting because I’m trying to go into this project with a theme already in mind. I’m also trying to really plan out the story structure itself, which I’ve never done before but after the conference realized I need to pay more attention to it.

Otherwise, I try to write 2,000 words a day, six days a week.


A character, a place, and a small mission to accomplish before . . . .

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Woo hoo! Just officially reached 100 pages on my WIP! :tada:


Well, got another rejection letter yesterday, and sent out six more queries for my YA fantasy MS this morning. Maybe this will be the round of queries where I hear the magic word, “Yes!”


About four fifths of the way done converting this YA manuscript to MG. Only 75 pages to go!


Anybody else do the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge?

Added: 2/17/21
Finished a big project Monday. I’d been editing one chapter a week (with some holiday breaks) on a fanfic piece for another writer, and after two years, it’s done! Cut almost 91k words from her previous version, and now her audience has doubled.

Anybody else working on anything?