Yes. I am dedicating this month to finishing the first full messy draft of my novel, Davinci’s Hourglass.
I am also taking part in Nancy Stohlman’s Flashnano. The challenge is to write 30 flash fiction pieces over November. That’s one a day, based off a prompt that she provides. I use this to warm up my writer’s brain and keep my focus on writing new material every day, instead of running the editing treadmill…
I don’t update my wordcount every day, because not all my words are new. I’m aiming for 10,000 to 17,000 words a week. 2,000 words a day for 5 days a week, and then extra on the weekend if I feel like it. Otherwise I take a break from writing and spend time reading and sending out my weekly email newsletter on the weekend.
Seriously considered it, but frankly, after writing four novels in the past two years, took a short break and decided to write one more, but using a different approach. The others had been written mostly as a ‘pantser’ approach, and while I liked a lot of what came out, I also learned a lot. I wanted to do more planning and plotting, and the Plot Forest came along at exactly the right time. Wasn’t able to attend in person, so I’m going through the video collection one or two a day, writing notes and using various approaches to help plot my new novel. Really excited about it, although it’ll probably be another 3-4 weeks before I begin in earnest, albeit with a solid plan in hand.
The title alone intrigues me, Davinci’s Hourglass… When and if you’re ready)would feel comfortable sharing, please drop a few lines here! Dying to know more!!!
Flash fiction is really taking off! Please share some if you feel up for it?
I am intrigued by the nature of flash fiction
Congratulations on four completed novels!!!
The Escaping the Plot Forest Summit is totally amazing right!?! I too had to partake in replays. (I am forever grateful for the pass that allows said option)
If you get a chance, I recommend @Danielw (he is the mastermind behind the summit, his courses deliver) Plotting and Planning your Novel, also PPNplus.
Oh, workable at your own pace, If you have not discovered it yet he has a free course known as The Character First.
That course is Free at you won’t believe the amazing value he simply shares with the world to help writers get writing.
Im done. Finished 50k and a tiny bit more. Very useful to feel that accomplishment.
Now i put it away for a month. Then pick it back up to do a quick pro-writing-aid review and fill out the chapters. I strive for about 1500-2000 word chapter lengths and when a chapter is really short, I may move it into another chapter with a break **** between the characters. Not sure of the method of madness on that, but its been working for me. Once I get it cleaned up. I send it to my Delta reader (my mom) who is a freakn fast typist and a line editor wordsmith. So she goes thru it again to find my weird phrasing and gigantic pho-pas that I cannot see for the forest in my face.